Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas in Nakhon Sawan

Nadolig Llawen

The roaring fire has been replaced with a fan and I will be eating vegan duck instead of a stuffed goose but don't worry, we know it's Christmas time...

Here in Nakhon Sawan Christmas doesn't happen unless you make it yourself. So that's exactly what we've done. We've filled our flat with fairy lights and paper chains, the fridge is full of chocolate and cheese and I am listening to Carols from Kings as I type.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Here in Hong Kong #2

Hong Kong

Back in Hong Kong six months down the line and at the end of a three week holiday we saw the city through very different eyes. The sea of sharp suits seemed strange and unusual. The duvet and soft mattress seemed a luxury (as did the wine and the black coffee). The endless choice of cuisine was amazing but overwhelming and we couldn't even begin to keep up with the nightlife (in fact we didn't even try).

Friday 5 December 2014

Wish we could be there!

Today I am feeling like a bad friend.

One of my oldest and bestest friends is getting married and I'm 6,000 miles away.

I met Rachel when I was 10 - she was the new girl in school and we bonded over both being freakishly tall for our age. Since then we've been through teenage crushes, unwise experiments with alcohol and some rather questionable fashion choices as well as hundreds of wonderful memories.

Since university, we've lived far from each other (although this is by far the furthest to date!) but when we do see each other, nothing has ever changed.  I miss the days when I would pop round her house after school for a cup of tea and Neighbours but she is still one of my best friends and as I get older I realise that time and distance are not barriers to a good friendship.

When we whiled away hours after school gossiping and discussing how we definitely wouldn't get married before 24 before we were strong independent women and we wanted to have careers first (because obviously after 24 you're past it and you can't possibly have a career once you're married) I never dreamt that I wouldn't be there when you 'tied the knot'.

So today I will be feeling slightly sad that I can't be there with you but mainly thrilled that you are both starting an exciting new chapter in your lives. I may not be able to celebrate your wedding with you today but I am sure there will be countless opportunities to witness and celebrate your marriage in the many years to come.

I love you and miss you - CONGRATULATIONS!